Saturday, May 28, 2005

"Well, technically, they're not vermin. But I do hate them so, so from here on, vermin they shall be." ~Willie Ziebell

Yes, it's late. Well, technically early, but I still have to pack, and after watching two of the stupidest movies on the face of the planet, I'm wide awake. Especially now that I'm over my allergy attack. But yeah. I'm waiting for the dryer to be done, so I can take the stuff out of the dryer so I can put the stuff from the washer to the dryer so that I can put my stuff in the washer so that I can clean it so that I can pack. *whew* I'm excited, but I don't think that it will really hit me until tomorrow. But I'm glad that I finally got that music from Mr. J (no thanks to him!) so that I can have South's choir listen to it.

Oh funny story. It may not be funny to anyone else, but I found it amusing. So Maegan and I decided not to shave our legs (even though she welched on her deal, darn it!), and Cooper thought that it was pretty gross. So I said to him, I said, "Cooper, if God didn't intend women to have hair on their legs He would have created them that way." But anyway, the other day I wore shorts, and so when I saw Cooper, I told him, no, I didn't shave my legs. And Dan was with him, and they both were standing, one kind of in front of the other. And they both cocked their heads to one side, and sort of leaned over so that they could see my legs. And it was the same way and simulataneous. I found it amusing at least. I guess you had to have been there.

I hope that Chelsea and I can go rock-climbing sometime. I've always liked to try new things, and it's always sounded interesting. And I think that there's that fitness center or whatever it is right by her house. Since we don't have school on Monday we're going to try and have a sleep-over Sunday night to all get caught up on everything. It's going to be super-fun. But it's also going to be sad, you know? I've missed so much, and I'm going to miss so much. I'm going to cry a whole freakin lot at Thespian Banquet, with all my good friends being seniors and all. Especially Brandon. Gosh, I've missed that kid. He's always been a pretty good kid.

What more could a girl want than a box of Junior Mints and a conference issue of the Ensign? Granted, I don't have a box of Junior Mints, but I read a very nice issue from the November conference issue of the Ensign last night. That's why I'm glad that it's published. Because being a girl and all, I miss a lot of wonderful talks that happen in the priesthood session.

Oh, I found that website that had the pictures from the State Choir Competition on it, and I found Cleveland High, and I found the guy that was eyeing me when we were there. That was awesome. He was actually cute, too. Dang you, Steven! Over-protective guy friend. Psh.

Anyway, I should probably go and work on packing, even though I really don't want to. But I have to get up at like seven anyway, so that I can finish packing and do my job and all that in the morning before we go. So love to all, and I'll miss those that still have to go to a week more of school in La Grande (ha ha), and I hope that you all have wonderful lives. Arrivederci!


Beckah said...

You too! Um, have fun in Canada! Say hi to a Mountie for me!

Just me said...

I wouldn't say they were TOO horribly stupid...from Justin to Kelly is still WAY worse.
And the new star wars were pretty stupid too.
oops, gotta go, time for graduation. you lucky stiff, you get out of it! PUNK!
p.s. HAVE FUN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate you Rebekah leaving me all by my self in computer apps. Garr.....I hope you have a lot of fun dear. Don't get into too much trouble. I'll talk to you when you get back since you are now already gone. Oh and you are so luck you didn't have to go to graduation. It was so boring and sitting in our hot choir dresses didn't make it any better.


Just me said...

I've been to was purdy. ...course it was just Niagra Falls that I saw, does that count?

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.