Monday, May 16, 2005

"A short, fat ballerina? It could happen. I knew this guy once, who was short, and fat, but he wasn't a ballerina." -Casey Halling

An interesting but delightful quote.

The end of "Everybody Loves Raymond!" How sad. We watched the final episode for FHE, and it was much fun watching it together. But it went kinda late, so sorry Steven. But it was very funny, and now I'm sad that it's over. Oh well. I don't watch much TV anyway, so I guess it's good that there's one less show for me to watch.

It's a bell jar day today. I don't even know why. Oh, I'm better now (thank you Jen) but earlier it was insane. It was even a good day today. Lots of good things happened. I finished the Oklahoma video and it got good reviews, I finally burnt copies of the All-State music for Michelle and Darcy, my mom's coming this weekend, only two more weeks till I get to go to Medford, and overall it was good. And the rain hasn't stopped. So why did the bell jar decide to descend today? It's quite unpredictable.

I need a good friend. Like a really really good friend. I need Chelsea, or Liz. Someone that I am so close to that they know that they just need to be there sometimes when I ask them. Not to talk. But just to sit there and think and know that they are there next to me. That's just as comfortable as waking up to someone. Knowing someone is there. I guess that's why I want to get married so much. Because when you marry someone who you know is the right one, then you are assured that they are always there for you. High school is such a drama, and it's so unpredictable, that you never know when something is going to happen that leaves you hanging all alone.

Dang this bell jar! Enough complaining. Someone slap me. I have a wonderful life, and I should be happy with what I have. I am happy. I just hope that this bell jar doesn't descend too often.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you used Casey's quote! I have 2 very important things to say. The first is what's a bell jar day? The second is that I love you so much and I've been thinking a lot about you lately and not a day has gone by when I haven't wished we could be together in the same place. I really wish I could be there now to help you through the bad days and share the joys of the good days. You are always in my heart and prayers and I can't wait until the next time I see you, whenever that may be! I love you more than life itself.

Beckah said...

YAY! I love you too, and I'll send you an e-mail about the bell jar thing. I miss you soooo much and I also wish that we could be together, but alas, we may not. Send me an e-mail or something! And we can communicate cause I can't remember where to send it.

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.