Monday, May 02, 2005

Go ahead, lay it on me. Vim me, babe.

Ok, so I just realized that the post from day would actually be my tenth, but I don't like even numbers, so we're going to leave it the way it is. And you know what? I don't care what you say anyway.

So where was I? Oh yes, so we all went and hid in the bathroom. Then we went back into the dance room and I saw Steven sitting on a couch with a bunch of other guys so I went and joined that group and I was kind of hidden from view. But then apparently this kid was so devastated that I rejected him that he started crying! I don't know if I believe that, but oh well. So I felt really bad, but then I danced the last dance with Steven, and then I went home, and I still feel bad, but not too much. Except now I hear that he went up to Darcy after the dance and told her that he just thought I was really pretty and that he didn't mean to freak me out. Hmmmmmm. What now? Oh well. I'm just glad that I don't have to go to the next dance, cause we'll be on choir tour.

Anyway, I will now add the stories that would be inserted later, but since I had to just add on, you'll have to find the original asterisks in the original post so you know where they happened in the night. So here we go.
* While Darcy and I were walking around outside, we heard some geese, and looking up, we saw two geese flying away all by themselves. So on our second time around, we see a flock of geese with two geese missing from their "v" flying in a different direction than the other two geese! So we yell at them to try and get them to go the right way, but they ignore us. Then we see them again but this time they were headed in the completely opposite direction! So we're waving our arms and yelling "No no! Your friends are going the other way! That way! That way! Go find your friends that way!" But they still didn't listen. I hope they found them.
**So the first time we walk by the parking lot with me, Steven, Conk, and Darcy, Conk just quietly and calmly says "You know, there's this weird thing with my car that whenever you come within like five feet of it or something, it just goes haywire." (I'm paraphrasing by the way, no copyrights or anything). And of course he has his keys in his pocket and he presses the alarm button and poor Darcy about had a heart attack. She flipped out, and deciding that she couldn't handle it anymore, she went inside. And every single freakin time we went by Conk's car, he did the same thing. We were used to it, and were expecting it, but he got such a kick out of it. He would just lose it every time he did it. It was hilarious. What a great kid.

So those are the random and exciting adventures of Friday evening. Sorry I took so long to relate the stories. But at least it was interesting, if not terrifying.

Sunday was pretty uneventful. Saturday was fun though. I went to Baker, and we went and saw Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And to anyone that has a movie theatre that is playing this movie in their town or city or wherever they live, I would definitely recommend seeing it. But you can't expect an action movie. The thing that makes it so funny is the dialogue, and so you have to pay attention to everything that's said or you won't get it. It was funny, cause the audience that we were with wasn't really paying attention, and so something would be said, and no one would get it, but my mom and I would just start cracking up. It's a very funny movie, to be frank. Go see it!

Sorry that today was so long. I might think of something else later, too, so...sorry if I bore you. If I bore you, maybe you should rethink how you're spending your free time. Get a life! And watch Star Wars.

"If this be treason, make the most of it."

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.