Friday, May 20, 2005

Can you imagine how hard it would be to play baseball if you were an ice cream sandwich?

Today has been a very good day. There have been a few things that weren't so enjoyable, like waiting for school to get out and losing Steven in the locker room (that's right, Steven, I didn't enjoy it like you thought I did) but overall it has been very good. My mom came today, and we always have a fun time together. We went to the library but couldn't find the book we wanted (except in large print. Is that to be my fate?) Then we went down to the movie theatre to see when Star Wars was showing to see if we wanted to go that evening, and we ended up going then. Yes, Steven, I will debate the "frickin awesome" factor with you. There were good things and bad things. I still am partial to the old ones.

Then we went out to Pizza Hut and had some yummy pizza, and stayed there for about an hour and a half just talking about different things. Now we're here at my house and we just watched the A's win the game against San Fran (ha ha!) and we're going to have an awesome day tomorrow. I'm excited. I love weekends, especially when my mom comes.

I still have to write my book review for the Bell Jar. I tried, but I got total Writer's Block (why did I just capitalize that.....?) and so I didn't get much done. But my mom and I talked about it for a little bit, so I think I can do better now.

Sorry I don't have any exciting stories like Liz. This is just sort of like therapy for me, and I just enjoy writing about what I did. So sorry if I bore you.

Well, I'm going to head off, but love to all! And the prize goes to Jillian for guessing the author right on that other blog. Don't ask what prize. Shut up.


Just me said...

I agree wholeheartedly! The older ones kick total trash.
p.s. no, I can't say I have wondered how hard it would be to play baseball if you were an ice cream sandwich. But I have wondered what it would be like to be a locker.

Beckah said...

It would be hard, don't you think, though?

Anonymous said...

Ba...Ha....lunch at my house talking about the ice cream sandwich and the dilly bar, oh and the ice cream cone playing baseball. You would think they would all melt. Dariy Queen kiddy bags. ha.....


pev said...

Sorry for leaving. I couldn't find you and I thought the plan was to meet at the tennis courts, so, I got bored and decided I go and see what time I had to leave for Father and Sons... and apparently it was right then. So, yah. Um, my day today has been totally sucky (saturday), and I still get to do the inserts, prepare a talk, and do a lot of other crap. So... yay for me.

Just me said...

huzzah for steven and giving talks! ha, I so already got mine over with for the year.
p.s. yeah, it would be hard...would they just stick the bat in the ice cream and turn your body to hit the ball? And what about running to bases?

Anonymous said...

Jillian in the pictures they had arms and legs. Good luck with you talk steven


Just me said...

Jillian wonders why Derek is talking in third person
p.s. well, if they had arms and legs it wouldn't be that hard to play least if they were in a refrigerated field

Anonymous said...

Why does Derek think Maegan should come listen to Steven? Talking in third person is fun.


pev said...

Well, it's too late now. You wanted to come listen to Steven because Steven would have talked in third person. Man.

Beckah said...

You guys are weird......

Just me said...

Jillian thinks she missed the part in the talk where Steven talked in third person

Anonymous said...

ya'll are crazy but that is why I love you guys.


pev said...

o... it was there.

Anonymous said...

You're all cool. Hi Beck and I love you and I miss you, and I think you are the coolest. I like the title of your blog. It's going in the quote-book, along with one from Jason "Space-Station" Cramer, which I would like to share with you right now. I think he said it to Jesse, but it made me laugh. "You're basically a horrible person, but deep down inside, you've got a soft...something." Hugs and kisses from your sis! Love, Liz

Beckah said...

I love you Liz! We must talk sometime. Call me or something. No. Send me an e-mail and we will decide when to chat, yes?

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.