Tuesday, April 19, 2005

It's a sad day when we have to start selling the President like toothpaste.

I don't know how much longer I can take of this. I think my brain is going to explode. But luckily I have people all around me who are willing to help with my mental condtion and can help me through my problem. There are days when I just get so depressed, and I know why, but there isn't really anything that helps. I just need lots of sleep. Or actually, I need to eat lots of chocolate and watch lots of stupidly funny movies. I watched E.T. yesterday, though. It was very enjoyable. I hadn't seen that movie in about a gazillion years (because yes, I am a gazillion and seventeen years old) and it was really good. And the older brother, Mike I think it was, did a pretty good job. Even though I swear that that green jacket he wears he wears on the bus is the same one that he wears in "I am the Cheese," which is an incredibly stupid movie based on an incredibly stupid book. I would never recommend my worst enemy to read it. I could so take Reed. He's not that strong. Yes, he may have the ability to poke out my eyeballs with his elbows, but I think I could take him. It's really nice just to ramble sometimes, not really caring about what I'm trying to say or if anyone understands it. I thought up a whole blog this morning and of course I forgot everything that I was going to write.

Blog. Bloggity blogger blog blog. What a strange word. Blog. I wonder where it came from. Someone probably just invented it. Like Shakespeare. He invented half the words we use today. Even though the English language is completely screwy and it makes no sense whatsoever.

I have no funny or interesting stories to present at this time, except that me and Reed just had a fight in the hallway and it was quite fun. (Please refer to the comment in the first paragraph.) If I think of anything, or if anything happens, I'll add it later. So farewell to all my adoring fans, I'm off to rid the world of locusts and tall people.

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.