Saturday, August 06, 2005

Today I'm going to see if I can hang from the ceiling with suction cups!

It's amazing what you can find on the internet. This picture for example. What? But that's not the point.

Summer has been pretty fun so far, pretty busy, and now I have a little bit of down time before family vaca/visiting my mom. I come back on the Friday before school starts, so yippee. I'm not really really excited for school. I want to do choir and plays, but the actual schoolwork just doesn't do it for me. And I'm going to be tremendously busy. But I'll manage.

My parents are gone on their anniversary trip, and they decided not the let Melissa and I go to the fair last night. I wasn't totally stoked for it, but I was willing to go so that Melissa could have some fun. But the parents left us some money to go to the play if we wanted to, but Melissa didn't want to go. So we ended up buying a pizza and watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. You know how amazingly great those movies are? I never get tired of them. The dialogue, and the characters, and the violence....oh wait. No, they're just really well-made movies. I enjoy them emmensely.

I haven't really done much today. I'm watering the lawns......oh my goodness, they've been in the same spot for quite some time now. I think I'll go switch them. Ok, I'm back. It's really quite warm out there. Well, the sidewalk is extremely hot on bare feet, that's all. I gave Abish a bath today, cause she smelled so bad. It was quite an experience, I'll tell you that. She really doesn't like it, and in the shower she's usually ok, but I was doing it outside to cool her off with the hose water, and she was not having fun. She kept shaking while I was trying to shampoo her up, and so I got soaked in the process. Oh well, at least she doesn't smell as bad now, and she's poofy. It's funny.

I have nothing profound or interesting to say, so I'll leave you now. Shalom


Liz said...

What a great day! I miss non-employed summers. I love you, and ONLY 9 MORE DAYS UNTIL I AM IN YOUR ARMS ONCE AGAIN, MY LOVELY!

Beckah said...

Yay! I'm counting down the days till we're together my love! And then we will run to each other's arms in slow motion with schmultzy music playing in the background before the giant vegetables ruin our happiness! I love you!

Just me said... this is what normal teenagers a.k.a. teenagers-who-aren't-insane-and-do-two-plays-at-once-so-they-have-no-time-or-life do during the day. I think I figured out what the rest of my summer is going to be like.

Beckah said...

Coop, you gotta quit changing your blog on us, it's very aggravating!

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.