Wednesday, August 03, 2005

"That's right, it's a smoldering iron. The smoldering iron of justice."

Or the pogo stick of justice. Wouldn't be cool if there was a super hero called "PogoMan" or something and he got around on a pogo stick? That's why I included this amusing little picture, for this, in fact, is the now-retired PogoMan in his alter-ego attire. Looks like fun, doesn't it? I, for one, have never gotten the hang of pogo sticks, but I still find them entertaining.

There is one matter that I would like to address in this day's blog. I would like to say that I haven't been a very good friend lately, and I recognize that, and so I'm trying to fix that. Everyone that I'm associated with are amazing and wonderful and beautiful people, and I'm sorry that I haven't been treating you as such. I love and appreciate you all, and I really wouldn't be where I am today if it hadn't been for you. I've been so blessed in my life with wonderful friends to help keep me on the straight and narrow, and without that, I would have been long gone. So to all those, near and far, that have blessed my life with their friendship, thank you so much. I love you dearly and I mean to show you more abundantly, so that you know you're appreciated. Thank you for all that you've done for me. And if you ever find that I'm being a bit of a jerk, just go right ahead and shoot me in the foot to let me know. And don't worry about hurting me. I've already invested in a pair of special bullet-proof shoes for this very purpose.

You know how useful bullet-proof shoes would be, actually? I mean, in all the movies, you always see the good guy wrestling with the bad guy for a gun, and the bad guy always gets shot in the foot, where then he is distracted by the sudden loss of digits and is thwarted. So if you had on a pair of bullet-proof shoes, that wouldn't happen and you'd be able to fulfill the rest of your life with the proper number of toes. And if you were able to get them with one of those little knives that comes out of the toe of the shoe, that would be even cooler. Think how much more exciting action movies would be if the old "shoot the bad guy in the foot" trick didn't work. We should take this up with Hollywood.

And sorry to say, I'm still intrigued with this "Infidelity is No Laughing Matter" play of mine that somehow found it's way into my mind. I figured out a way to make it end happy so that no one is hurt, and that there's actually a moral to it. So I think I'll write it, or as much of it as I can, and see where it gets me. If I still lived in Medford, I might have even entered it into the play-writing section of Acting Comp. That would have been fun. I was going to do it anyway, with the help of Mama Tadema, but here in the wonderful town of La Grande, they don't do that sort of thing. Oh well. I'll make do.

I hope this makes you happy, Steven, since you complained about my last entry being so boring. I find it extremely and entertainingly (is that a word? If it isn't, too bad, I used it anyway) amusing that Steve now seems to have blogger admirers. I told him that 85% of the female population between the ages of 5-17 in La Grande have a crush on him, but he doesn't believe me. Now you can see that the fame and female fondness has spread beyond our borders. How very humorous, at least to me.

I recently re-read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and it's absolutely incredible how accurate to the book that Mr. Tim Burton was in his film edition. There's even exact dialogue taken directly from the book. I'm glad.

K, I really can't think of anything else to say, but if I think of something else, I'll add it later. I have a little picnic/BBQ-sort of thing to go to with Dad at 4:30, and I suppose that I should shower before that. So I'll go now. Enjoy your lives, I love you all, and go have fun with a pogo stick if your heart implies! Shalom!


Beckah said...

Of course. And it's even better that he's our friend because then we can tease him endlessly about it! Huzzah!

Just me said...

see, the problem with the bulletproof shoes is that if the villans had them the hero would never win! And then where would pogoman be?
You should so write the play, and then we can act it out using the clothes you have in the spare room thingy.
And what population of the "over 65" crowd are obsessed with Steven? I've seen him charming those old ladies at church ;)
p.s. showering is highly overrated, go el natural! but only hair wise...please use deoderant and clothing

Liz said...

You intrigue me. Pogo sticks, bullet-proof shoes, infidelity...if you think about it, this whole entry could make it's way into Hollywood. I love you, and I love your mind. I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship. I GET TO SEE YOU IN 11 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!! ALMOST 10 CAUSE TODAY'S ALMOST OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beckah said...

Huzzah! And we can be even better than friends! Let's be sister! Yay!

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.