K, are sloths not the weirdest animals on the face of the planet? Their fur looks like coconut fur, and they have weird claws and weird faces and they move slow and they're just all-around weird. I guess it would be fun to have a sloth for a pet though. If it was small you could cuddle with it, and it's really flexible so you could hold it in unnatural positions and you wouldn't really have to worry about losing it, cause it couldn't exactly run away. It would be fun.
But for the reasoning behind the title of this blog, if you didn't know, Steven broke something again, only this time it was his toe. I told Liz about this and she said he needed a new name like "the boy of glass" or "the boy of breakage" and I liked my version of the second one. So now his list of nicknames is up to three I believe. "Breakage Boy," "The Human Couch Cushion," and my personal favorite, "Magnet for Mockery." I wish I had that many cool nicknames. That would be a cool super hero name, Breakage Boy. That's almost as good as Work-Experience Boy.
Speaking of which, that boy is more elusive than the Scarlet Pimpernel. I haven't talked to him in forever, and I'm really starting to miss the kid. Dang soccer.
I wrote Liz a novel disguised as an e-mail today, and she sent me one back! Plus she called about a letter that we got sent, so I got to talk to her and read a really long e-mail from her! It was very nice. Plus I get to see her in ONLY THREE DAYS! How stoked am I. I cannot wait to see her and talk to her and laugh with her and do all the things we used to do when we were together. I love being her sister. She has been such a blessing to me, especially in our younger years when it was just us and our mom. Those were good days. I remember everything we used to do at the old apartment, swimming in the pool, racing each other up the steps, ridings bikes and going to the park with Rayana. Those were good times. And I'm so grateful for all the memories we made and can now share. We had a lot of fun together, and I'm glad that we can still have a lot of fun together, even if it's a different kind of fun. And I don't remember us ever having a really serious argument. We probably argued about who got to be which Barbie or something like that, but we never had a really big fight. And I guess I never really realized how blessed I am for that, even when hearing about how a lot of my friends always fight with their siblings. I guess I took for granted a little how close Liz and I were, and still are. It's harder now that she's gone, but I love her to pieces, and I couldn't have asked for a better sister on this earth. She's a really awesome girl, and I'm thankful for everything that she's done for me, and everything that we're able to do together. Yay for families!
I haven't done anything of worth today. I read HP, took a shower, ate, ate some more, watched William and Kyle play Super Smash Bro., watched David play Civilization, and now I'm on the compy. How boring. Someone come save me! And I guess it wouldn't be too bad if anyone decided to stop by. Cause then you could meet my cousins! They're pretty awesome kids. And it's going to kind of be a lazy day, since we're going to be so busy tomorrow. Oh well.
Well, I guess I really don't have anything else to say, so I hope that everyone is happy, and is having a wonderful day! Love to all! Shalom
I like "Breakage Boy." Both as a name and a person. You made me cry you punk. Just after I got all gussied up! All I can say is ditto. I love you so much and all I know is that we have got to somehow live closer to eachother when we're both all grown up and stuff. This far away thing is lame-o. And it's Friday, and summer, and so you are allowed to be unproductive. Hugs and high-fives!
Totally. And yay for crying! I got you back, I did! Ha ha!
Yeah, I suppose we're even now. Good thing this little match didn't involve 2 glasses of wine and iocane powder, or worse yet, a land war in Asia. We would have been screwed. I would also like to tell you that I really like the fact that you say "Shalom" at the end of things. That's awesome and I approve and agree. Love you!
woah you saw me carrying that stuff!? CREEPY STALKER!! AGHH!!!!!!!
Wait a second. What is the "Work-Experienced Boy" from? That isn't me is it? uh.....?
or back-stabber...
No, it's not you, it's from a TV show called "My Hero," and I just thought it was funny. And HINT HINT gosh darn it!
I LOVE MY HERO!!!! and i'm quite glad someone watches it besides me. Unfortunately, as of late, i haven't been able to catch any of the episodes. When is it on, pray-tell?
Saturday nights at 9 or 9:30, I can't remember. Cause Keeping Up Appearances is on right after tha! Yay for funny British TV!
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