Monday, August 01, 2005

"We kissed and kissed for what seemed like ages. I was thinking, I cannot believe this. Jude Law is snogging me."

Oh my gosh, I pulled a Steven and haven't blogged in almost a month. But that's ok. Besides EFY, which the most amazing thing that ever happened to me, not that much has happened.

EFY was so incredible though. I was able to learn so much about the gospel, and I was able to come so much closer to the Savior. My testimony grew so much. And I'm really glad that I was able to talk about it on Sunday, cause then I didn't have to wait till fast Sunday to share my testimony. I mean, Sis Chadwick called me today to tell me how much she appreciated my talk. It was so nice of her. Except for the fact that I cry SO MUCH and I hate crying in front of people. The only time I didn't feel really stupid was when I spoke in front of the Young Women at EFY. I was already crying but it was all good. I pretty much made all the counselors cry, so yeah. It was cool. And I want to share the same message with our Young Women cause maybe some of them need it. So many girls came up to me afterward and told me how much they needed and appreciated what I said. It was so nice, and it felt so good to be able to help other people. So I hope I can share what I learned with them. It was just an amazing experience. And no, I did not have a C.O.W.! Isha thinks it's a crime not to have a C.O.W. at EFY, but I didn't, so there. It was a very personal experience for me, and it gave me time to think about the Savior more, instead of focusing on silly boys the whole time.

I thought of an idea for a really funny play this morning. I was lying in bed, awake, but not getting up yet, and thinking about plays and stuff, and I got this great idea. I don't think I'll do anything about it though, cause it's pretty much about infidelity, but it would be funny. I thought of so much dialogue and so many situations that would be hilarious! But as I said, I don't think I write any of it, unless the idea persists. I don't support infidelity, so you all know, so I don't want to advertise that it's a laughing matter. Oh well. Maybe I'll think of something else. I've been in the mood to write for a while now, but I haven't had any flashes of inspiration or rushes of creativity. But a lot of my ideas come from everyday life and everyday funny experiences, so maybe I'll find something soon. Who knows.

I have to go get ready to go to Melissa's soccer game now, so see you all later! And I hope that you're all happy that I FINALLY wrote something after waiting for so long. Shalom


Liz said...

Hooorah for blogs and EFY and testimonies! I'm so happy for you, and so glad you had so many awesome experiences and can't wait to hear more about them. I'm intrigued by this infidelity play...true, it's no laughing matter, but sometimes it's hilarious. I love you!

Liz said...

PS: I love the quote that's the title of your entry! What's it from? Who said it? Into the quotebook it goes!

Beckah said...

I got it from Newsweek! Isn't it awesome? I just love the word "snogging" and the fact that it's in Harry Potter a whole bunch really makes me happy! Not actual snogging, just the word, mind you. And I'll tell you all about the infidelity play when we talk tomorrow. Maybe that's what the title should be. "Infidelity is No Laughing Matter." Actually, that's rather catching. I like it! If I ever write it, that's what it will be called. Love you lots, and can't wait to talk to you and then see you in a few weeks! Huzzah!

Just me said...

Coop, we're going to MAKE you go next year, even if you don't want to! I LOVE EFY! and i didn't have a C.O.W. either. We're just not boy crazy like other girls ;)

Beckah said...

And aren't I glad about it.

isha said... IS a sin to not at least come away with a C.O.W......and just because you found a lot of rather attractive boys and had a lot of fun doesn't mean you missed the spiritual. You can do both rather easily at the same time..and having tha boys bear their testimony tends to make them all the more attractive. So you are dinful...I mean sinful....
you too jillian...

Liz said...

Better a C.O.W. than a N.C.M.O....

Beckah said...

What the heck is an N.C.M.O.......?

Beckah said...

Ew. Gross. I guess I'm glad that I didn't know about that then.

Just me said...

so it's kind of a "friend with benefits" thing right?

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.