Monday, June 27, 2005

The bank claimed that seven minus four is three. And I'm like, "since when?"

Have you ever been so incredibly bored that you sat in front of a computer screen and watched Strong Bad e-mails for two hours straight? Yeah, neither have I. Never.....done that..................never........

Have you guys checked out the letters between Hax and Willie that Liz so generously provided the link to on her blog? Man alive, they are hilarious! And so like them. I mean, most of you haven't met them so you wouldn't really be able to compare the letters to their actual personalities, so you're just going to have to either trust me, or eat magical porcupine spikes that give you the ability to brainwash sparrows. I really wish I could write like that though. It's amazing.

As for my mosquito bites, I am quite sure that the mosquitoes that bit me were not mosquitoes at all, but in fact small robotic aliens that removed my blood for secret alien testing, and that I will soon turn into a mad crocodile-woman who eats little children for breakfast and ice cream trucks for dessert. I only mention this because my small robotic alien injuries are now, indeed, purple.

And who on earth or any other part of this galaxy has ever heard of Rocket Robin Hood? Jen, you'll have to explain this one, as the cartoon is shown on Canadian TV. And speaking of Jen, you may have noticed that I added her blog to my list of links, and if you click on it, you will find that there is nothing in it. No fault of mine, you will have to complain directly to the source.

Life would be awfully boring if you were a bird.

Me mum got back from Canadia on Saturday, and she had a wonderful time there, and I am quite glad. I get to go there in three days, and I'm excited. I love the Bay Area, where the beach is actually close and there's enough people to walk down the street and never once see someone you know. Ah, I miss the big city. I must go to San Fran while I'm there, or I think I'll go crazy. The hustle and bustle, the anonymity, the fog from the bay, gee, I miss it. Oh well.

Youth Conference was totally awesome by the way. I loved dancing crazy, doing synchronized swimming with Jillian, and capsizing people's canoes. And I really believe that Conklin's story will get put into a church manual and that someday my grandchildren are going to learn from "The Parable of the Canoes" or something like that. I really liked Bro. Fawcett's talk, and Bro. Blake's too. He seemed like a really cool guy, and I think I would have liked taking seminary from him too. Micah was nice too, even though we never really met and we only talked for about thirty seconds. But hey. Testimony (or testAmony, if you're from John Day) was really good. "I also went to EFY..." Bah. Well I'm going, and then I can tell all my stories. And I simply cannot wait to go on a mission! I can't believe I have to wait till I'm 21. Well, as I told Steven last night, more time to prepare, I guess.

I suppose that that's all the insignificant information that I can supply you with at this time, so love to all! Shalom!


Liz said...

U rock. I liked your letter. I'm glad you enjoyed the witty banter between Willie and Hax...I talked to Willie online last night and I miss him SO MUCH. Lucky duck, you get to go to the Bay Area. That's okay, I'm going to West Yellowstone tomorrow. It may be small, but we're gonna see a Playmill show and play in the great outdoors and hang out with cool and in some cases, attractive people. I miss you a ton, and love you even more!

Beckah said...

Yay! Yeah, I'm excited too, and I love you and miss you a lot. I care about you a lot and I hope that you're doing ok. I'm praying for you, and I love you soooooo much! Hope to hear from you soon!

Just me said...

I know! It's totally unfair that we have to wait that long! But I suppose it's because of the whole "we need to at least try and get married" thing. Gah, it's totally not cool.
Hm, the parable of the canoes...has a nice ring to it. I personally can imagine every single young womans leader reciting it to her beehives around a fire at girls camp, but that could just be me.

Beckah said...

Yeah me too. It really does seem like something that you could find in a church manual doesn't it? It would be really cool if it did because then we could say that we knew the kid that wrote that and we were technically part of it (true, we were the "bad influences" but it still counts....).

Just me said...

yeah, but without us, there would be no moral to the story! And then where would Conklin's whole analogy be? Up a creek without a paddle, that's where. HA! ohmigosh...that's really sad...i made a joke and none of you probably realize it. Pitiful, that's what I am, pitiful!

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.