Sorry I haven't written in so long. I'm just lazy, that's what it is. Oh well. So I hope everyone has been doing fine and dandy, and that this is merely a sort of entertainment for them and so no one has suffered an untimely death because of my lack of publication.
Not a whole lot has happened, let's see if I can remember everything. The week I had when it was just Dad and I was a lot of fun. We had a Star Wars party of the old ones kind of spread out through the week, we had pizza twice, and I pretty much had the house to myself until Dad came home, which was nice. Then on Monday we went and got Annalicia, and she told us all about EFY and how much fun it was and all the hot guys she met and we listened to the EFY CD about three times on the way home, and it is
incredible! I love it so much, I stole it and made a copy for myself. But that week was fun too, Annalicia had many stories to tell, and I really enjoyed hearing them, and we're really good friends, and that makes me happy. Then Mary and Melissa came home on Saturday and we helped them move stuff into the garage and some of it to Lydia's room. The Mielke's (sp?) came to help which was very nice.
Since EFY Josef has changed so much and he's way cool! Isha and I decided to make cards for him telling him how much we appreciate his change and his respect for girls and the priesthood, and we gave it to him with a piece of yummy chocolate cake. When he came over to help move stuff, he said he really appreciated it, which made both of us feel good. Yay for being grateful and expressing that appreciation, like what Jill said. We should really let people know how much we appreciate them, and I like what she said on Sunday too. Her and Isha bore their testimony and talked about EFY, and one thing Jill said was that in one of the lessons she went to, the teacher said to set aside one prayer a day just to thank Heavenly Father for everything. Nothing else, just a prayer of gratitude. Well, that night, after the Elder Groberg fireside (which I'll talk about in just a sec) I tried it, and it was amazing how good I felt afterwards. And it was also amazing how many things I have to be grateful for. I just kept going and going and I stopped before I was even close to being finished. The Lord has truly blessed me, and I am eternally grateful for that.
So the Elder Groberg fireside thingy in Boise was on Sunday, and it was totally awesome. It was worth the three hour drive to get there, because it was so good. The drive there was fun, even. We watched Baptists at Our Barbeque and The Other Side of Heaven, and I read my scriptures and it was good. And Elder Groberg was so cool! His talk was funny and inspirational and engaging, and just overall good. One of the things I was most struck by was his incredible respect for women. He spoke about his wife with the utmost care and affection and respect, and overall he just seemed to have a very deep respect for women, which is always nice. And my favorite qoute of his was "true love is never shown in any way that violates God's commandments." And I was thinking of how true that was and it's really a good standard. But the whole thing was really cool. And there were a ton of youth there, and so there was just this energy that circulated around the room, and the fact that they were all in nice church dress was extremely comforting. And for the talk, we were like, right behind the stake presidents and so we were about five rows behind the podium! Wah! But yeah, it rocked. And on the way home, Steven and I listened to a talk on dating, and then the EFY CD, and then we read scriptures, and then we read scriptures together, which was nice. The whole day was totally wicked, in my opinion.
And Youth Conference is this weekend! I'm so excited. And for those of you that don't know, I'm going to EFY in less than a month! Yay! I'm so stoked, it's going to rock, I'm going to Provo and it's going to be a ton of fun. And from what I hear from all the others who went, I'm so excited to be around a ton of youth who are there to learn about the gospel, and who will be strong in their standards and want to be modest and kind and Christ-like, and oh it's going to be great.
This is an incredibly long blog, but I'm going to add just a little bit more. There's something really incredible about sharing a quiet moment with your best friend. You're just there together, and you don't have to talk. It's a comfortable silence, but just knowing that the other person is there is comforting and relaxing. And then you both have that little secret moment to hold on to and smile at each other about later. It's really amazing.
So I think that about covers it. And I just realized that the first sentence of the second paragrah is totally counterfacutal. Ha. And if I remember anything else, too bad. You'll just have to wait until I have the motivation to write it in here. And so in the words of that fabulous and hilarious author, Douglas Adams, "There was a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped the chronicler's mind." So love to all! Shalom.