Saturday, June 24, 2006

"I wonder if he rides a scooter.....I wonder if he looks like a scooter." ~Mom talking about Scooter Libby

Isn't Logan adorable? I just love him. I'm going to miss his hugs. He gives good, yummy smelling hugs. Wait, hold up, I'm going to get some music. K, I'm back. I got Mates of State to listen to. I like them. They make me happy.

I went and saw 1776 today. Ray is John Hancock in it, and he did very well. Last time he was Richard Henry Lee, which I thought he did better than this guy, but I liked this production better. It was more professional and overall the cast was better suited to their roles. I really like the Rutledge and the Dickinson. I thought that they did very well in their roles, very superior and noble. Dickinson had a good voice too. And the courier was very cute, I must say. Especially when he missed his entrance and came on with his glasses on. Adorable. I tell you, glasses does something to me. I love a nerdy guy. Ah well. Overall, it was very good and I enjoyed it a lot. I really liked Abigail Adams too. She was good. Not so much with Martha Jefferson. I didn't like her voice very much, not to mention I don't like that "He Plays the Violin" song. The subject matter is fine, but the song isn't very well-written. Oh well. That was about the only complaint I had. I enjoyed myself.

Afterwards we went to Fresh Choice for an early lunch before Ray's night show, and I kept looking out the window and seeing interesting things. First, there were these cylindrical poster displayer thingies. Apparently one of them broke, because I looked out to see two janitor people brushing the glass off of the edges, and it was all shattered on the ground. They swept it up and the next time I looked there was a police officer there. Cool. The other side, though, had a poster for a new show called "Kyle XY" or something like that. But he was holding his shirt up and had a confused look on his face and we were trying to figure out why. We had a few speculations. One was that the photographer told him to lift his shirt up, and so he was like "you want me to do what?" as he was lifting his shirt and that explained the confused look. Another was that it seemed that he didn't have a belly button, and so that could also explain the confusion as he showed the world his dilemma. However, we just wanted to go up and write "constipated" or "bloated" on his tummy like those commercials. I guess we'll never know.

Can I tell you, when I first saw this picture, I could not stop staring at it. Isn't Liz hot? Seriously. I was looking at some other pictures and we look a lot more alike now than we did when we were younger, and I am glad for that. If I look even remotely like Liz, that would make me happy. She's so beautiful, in body and in spirit. I am so glad to have a sister like her. She's so lovely and talented and bright and funny and the best friend I could ever ask for. I remember calling her when I was freaking out and crying so much and she was just there for me, talking to me and helping me forget. And I can never hesitate to call her whenever I need her and she'll always listen. I can tell her everything and she won't laugh. She'll give me advice about anything I ask about and she's so understanding. Man, am I lucky. I'm glad we found each other in the pre-existence and said, "Hey. Let's be sisters." I am so grateful to be related to someone as wonderful as she is. I am so proud of her for working at Playmill this summer, for getting in and being a trooper even when she's sick. And she never has too much to do that she can't talk to me for a few minutes. She's a terribly incredible person, and I love her.

I'm going to Singles Ward tomorrow, and I must admit that I'm a bit nervous about that. I won't know anybody as a safeguard to hang out with. Oh well, I'm sure I'll make friends soon enough. I hope that Benjamin and I become friends fairly soon, considering he's probably going to be my ride from now on. Mom's taking me tomorrow so that she can work for a few hours, but she can't take me every week. Well, we'll see what happens, and I'll keep you posted.

You know, I should probably go, because Mom's asleep on the couch and has been for almost an hour, and she won't sleep tonight unless I wake her up. I wonder what we'll do tonight. I'll probably eat more ice cream. Maybe that's what's causing me to have such strange dreams. Oh! I had the freakiest dream last night. I don't even remember all of it, but what I do remember is creepy enough. I had a dream that some guy was stalking me, and I don't mean like "ha ha, you had better give me that book or I'll stalk you." I don't mean that. I mean seriously and horribly stalking. The part I remember was I was in a hotel room with another girl and it was night and the lights were off and he had called and was talking to me on the phone, in a deep and rough voice. I don't remember what he was talking about, but it was enough it instill a deep horror in me. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and so I hung up the phone. I crawled into the other bed with the girl and was talking to her about how scared I was and if it was smart to hang up on him like that and the phone rang again. And then I woke up. I just laid there for a second, so thankful that I had woken up. That's one of those dreams that you are so glad that you wake up from and don't have to endure it anymore. But all's well.

Mom woke up actually, and is going to go on a walk, and I think I'll join her, so talk to you all later! Love to all! Shalom

I think this one is better, don't you? We're kind of glowy, like angels. Cool. It's the EFY spirit, man. CTRock on


pev said...

Does anyone else think my nose is ginormous in that picture???!

Liz said...

Beckah! I'm sitting here in "Seven Brides" rehearsal and freaking crying all over Christian's laptop because I love you so much and all those nice things you said about me and our sisterhood means so much to me! Thank you and I love you so much and ditto and here here to everything right back at you! And I'm also really jealous of your time in Alameda...I'm having withdrawals. And I LOVE that picture of you and Baxamus! You're all cool and glowy and I miss you.

Katelyn said...

Oh my goodness!! Your hair is absolutely adorable! It makes you look so much older. I'm glad to hear you're doing well!!

Darcy said...

Okay well Don't worry I will polish up my swords and save you from your stalker! Yeah and you need to know that you are beautiful on the inside and out! YOu hair does add to your Brilliance though! I love hope are doing well it sounds like you are doing okay! lOve you


Anonymous said...

Beckah, Your older sister is the hottest thing since jalapenos!! I just got off of a mission and you harass me with that ravishing temptress. Shame on you!! You look good too, but I would revere you more as a sister, as I so often did those long times ago. But you're right, you both do look a lot more alike!!

The former sooper mooper missionary man.

P.S. If you don't know who this is, then ask LizAnne, she might catch the hint in my name!!

Creative Commons License
Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.