Monday, May 01, 2006

"I'm dressed up as a ninja. I think I'll start fighting her once she stops talking." ~KC Harris in his dream

I don't know, I've just been in a bad mood lately. I don't know what's wrong. It's not hormones, I know, because I've already been through that. I guess I'm just ready to get out of here and start a new life but I'm stuck here for another month. It sucks both ways, too. Cause I'm going to miss people and everything, but I'm just so ready to be done with high school. It didn't help that I probably failed a Calculus test today, mainly because I couldn't remember that the derivative of ln(x) is 1/x. How silly of me. I just skipped that problem. It was a Quotient Rule problem, so I probably would have gotten it wrong anyway. But there goes 4 points down the drain. Oh well. And I have the second half of the test to look forward to tomorrow. At least I'm finally getting my hair trimmed on Wednesday. I've been needing it for quite some time now.

I'm really excited for State Choir though. I have absolutely no idea how well we'll do, and so I won't offer an opinion on it, but just the prospect of performing in front of all those people gives me pleasant goose chillies. I'm so glad we're going to go last. It's going to be sweet. I really hope that I have a good experience outside the competition as well. We're right by the temple again, which is so cool so I'm definitely planning on going up there as often as I possibly can. Maybe Darcy and I will go up there at five in the morning again ; ). That was fun. Especially cause it was raining and we found a secret path behind the temple. And we got lost in the land of rich people homes. There was a Suburban and a basketball hoop in every driveway, I swear. But yeah, I hope I have a cool experience like that again.

Oh, I had the coolest experience on Sunday night but I don't really feel like relating it. So too bad for you. Though I will tell you it involved fright and horses. You can figure out the rest.

I've discovered that I'm becoming less and less tolerant of immaturity. There are some times when I just want to smack people and tell them to grow up. Or to stop acting stupid. I like having fun and being spontaneous, but I don't like being annoying or constantly crazy. More and more lately I've just wanted to slow down and observe the world around me instead of running through life only concerned about myself. I like silence. Sometimes the talking and laughing just gets too much. I mean, I love laughing, but sometimes I just want to listen. You can learn a lot by listening. Wow. That was meant in a good way, not a weird gossipy way or anything. Sorry.

Remind me to never go hang out at Max's when his parents aren't there ever again. It wasn't pleasant. Now don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the movie, and I think I enjoyed it more because it was just me, Jeff, KC, Max and Cale actually watching the movie, but people kept coming in and out and apparently any plans that people have over the weekend involve going over to Max's house without his knowledge. So it was a little weird. But I did make Cale laugh twice. Which means my life is fulfilled. The first time was only because I fell off the bed, but I count it, and the second time was I actually said something funny and he laughed. Huzzah! I can die happy. But next time, someone come up with something that we had planned. So that I don't have to be mean to Max or them.

I'm reading the Da Vinci Code right now, and I haven't gotten very far, but so far I'm enjoying it. I hadn't read it before, and I bought it for six bucks at Albertson's, because, come on, how can you pass that up. K, I'm going to stop, because I don't sound like myself.

"I'm small and insignificant. Please don't squish me." Shalom

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.