Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Talking about "Purple Stew," Lakin Rigby: "But you never get tired of it! You can sing it again and again...like Tupperware!"

I was just reading past blogs, and it was very enjoyable. Reading about what I used to do, and just thinking out loud (gee, I thought my life was complicated then), writing directly to Steven. I miss that. Honestly, I miss a lot of things that we used to do. I read the entry where I almost lost Abish, and when I came home and was just really stressed out over it, Steven came over and we went to Riverside and walked around for like, three hours. That was awesome. And entries where I just thank him publicly for being so cool. I guess I can say that again. Thanks for being such a good friend, Steven. Thanks for being patient and for waiting. I've missed you.

Wow. I can think of nothing else to say. I don't want to be all sentimental (I guess it's too late for that), but I don't want to think about leaving or anything yet. So this is all you get. Love to all. Shalom and godspeed.

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.