Thursday, July 07, 2011

Bloggity Blog

Note: This entry is best read in a strong Southern accent.

It has been weeks, nay, months, since I took the time to express myself through this medium. I have been distracted, immersed, engrossed, occupied, and preoccupied with all manner of academic and work force enterprises. I have been overcome with the pleasant laziness of summer afternoons and become indifferent to the needs of my eager readers. But now I arouse myself from the slumber of lackadaisical indolence and resolve to be more diligent with my writings.

I resolve to do a lot of things. I resolve to walk every evening when the sun is just setting and the hot summer day is just cooling down and lose myself in the high blue open ocean that is the twilight sky. I resolve to eat better, to choose the healthier food if I find the need to snack. I resolve to be more productive with my time, even if it's just to write a few thoughts here and a few thoughts there in this little forum. I resolve to reach out to those I love, to spend more time with them and to never hold back the quality of my affections. I resolve to be more alive.

So here's hoping this is the start of a new era in blogging.


Liz said...

Your resolutions match mine almost exactly. Let's stay together forever.

Anonymous said...

How nice to see a blog entry! (See? People DO check your blog!) I will enjoy whatever you write, whenever you write it. Love you!


word verification - "ovebag": I just like the way it sounds ... "ovebag" ... a more gentle alternate to "douchebag"

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.