Friday, August 13, 2010

Sky Diving From the Ground Up

When you go into a dark field in the middle of the night, and lie down and turn your face to the sky, you feel like you're sky diving from the ground up. Your soul leaps from your body and goes soaring into the stars, and all you can do is feel it glide from star to star as your eyes go searching for meteors. It's strange how lying alone staring up at the night sky can make you feel so tiny and yet so immense. You feel small and insignificant, for how can you compare to the millions of stars and galaxies spinning above you? And yet, if you look straight above you, you can see the whole sky in your vision and you feel you could lift your arms and encompass it all. You can't focus on anything, because you are constantly searching for something to hold on to and there is too much to see. Thoughts skip through your mind so quickly you can't grasp even one, so you give up trying and just allow them to wander quietly through your head and then up into the cosmos. The only thing, lying there alone watching lights streak across the sky, is that it gets lonely after a while. You wish you had someone special to hold your hand and keep you warm. Some things are fine alone, but they are better to share.


Liz said...

I know it's not QUITE the same, but if I were there, I would hold your hand and share the stars with you.

Also, I love this. I always feel so speechless when I look into the heavens, or across the ocean. (And speechless is rare for me.) This comes close to capturing the immensity of feeling that fills me when I see the night sky. Thank you for sharing.

On a different note, the word verification is "exocuber," which I've decided is the outer skeleton of a cucumber.

Anonymous said...

Within 10 seconds, my children have provided me with a deep sense of quietude, and hilarity. Thank you both for being the wonderful you's that you are. I love you!


Curt said...

I just love your poetic style. It moves me... like staring up at the stars. But I won't get as carried away as some people who see a double rainbow.

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.