Sunday, September 28, 2008

"When I came home from prison..."

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the writer.

Sorry, Mr. McCain. I can't let that go. I laughed when you said that. I know it's not funny that you were a prisoner of war, but maybe you should have said that instead of seeming to elude to a stain in your past.

The debate was fun to watch. I watched the beginning and then had to stop to eat dinner, but then we went over to Nathan's and had a debate watching party. We enjoyed watching the little audience reaction graph at the bottom of the screen, mainly because we didn't really know how it worked and because we liked watching it spike when Obama spoke, and then curve down whenever McCain opened his mouth. Again, sorry. But I was a little disappointed in Obama, with the whole bracelet thing. Big deal. You're above that. But it was a lot of fun, and I'm excited to see more.

On that note, I received my absentee ballot last week and I voted today! I'm so excited about this election (though, unfortunately, I could care less who is going to be the new Director of Zone 4. I don't even know what that means), and I'm excited that I can vote and make a difference. Well, hopefully make a difference. We'll see who actually gets elected.

What I'm really excited for, is the Vice Presidential debate this next Thursday. Joe Biden is going to eat Sarah Palin alive and (unfortunately or not) it's probably going to be funny. Sorry again, McCain, but just because Sarah Palin is a woman, does not mean that I will vote for you. You insult me by assuming that any woman in the White House is the right woman. Frankly, I am terrified that he will get elected and then something will happen to him and Sarah Palin will be leading our nation. I'm all for women in leadership, but not women who deny knowledge of the charging of rape kits in their city, and women who refuse to speak with the media so that we actually have an idea of what they know (those are the same person, by the way).

Finally, I wish to extend a heart-felt thanks to Tina Fey, whose brilliant and somewhat uncanny representation of Sarah Palin on SNL brought joy to my heart and laughter to my lips. Thank you for returning to the show to give us an accurately ridiculous interpretation of the hockey mom who should not be a Vice Presidential candidate. I salute you, Tina Fey.

For all of you who wish to view this gem, here is the link (I can't figure out how to post the video on here, sorry). Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. SNL might just be funny again.

Thank you all for tuning in to the political views of Rebekah Jon Whittaker. Tune in next week for more somewhat biased and not-totally-researched opinions on the future of our government. Till then, shalom!

And don't forget: "I can see Russia from my house!"

1 comment:

Liz said...

Did you know that Palin was first runner-up in the Miss Alaska Pageant in 1984? Not that all pageant contestants perpetuate the stereotype (Note: Kyra Wahlquist), but I would prefer not to have a past beauty queen in the White House. She didn't even WIN Miss Alaska.

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.