Thursday, September 18, 2008

One more week...

...and a thousand more fingerprints. I'm very tired, and I hope that I find out if I'm hired again soon. That way I can plan my vacation, and I'll be getting paid more (which is a definite bonus).

I watched the Hours a couple of weeks ago. I just finished reading the book again, and although I liked the movie for itself, I really disliked it as a film of the novel. Everything was all wrong. I understand that it's very hard to make a film out of a book that is mostly thoughts and ideas with hardly any dialogue, but nothing was as it should be. The casting was wrong, the characters were wrong, even the whole theme was slightly off. It lacked...sincerity. Or reality. Something was missing, something that made it a genuine story of three women whose lives are intricately connected. I didn't like it. I was also suddenly struck with how much I do not think that Meryl Streep is pretty. Not at all. Her mouth is too small. How strange. But there were a few things that I liked about the movie. The music was phenomenal. I thought that it fit the film perfectly. And Nicole Kidman. She was absolutely brilliant. She was the only part of the movie that I thought fit right. I couldn't even really tell that it was her. Because it wasn't her. It was Virginia Wolff. She was absolutely incredible, and watching her was the best part of the movie. The rest of it was ok, but nothing like the book. And now I almost regret seeing it because I don't want to associate the two. Oh well. It is done, and I have my opinion.

I also just watched the Great Mouse Detective. Now there is a great movie. Not only is the casting phenomenal, but the style and the music (oh, the music!) is tremendous. Quite a nifty little film, though I can see how I was so scared of the Big Ben scene at the end. It is a little frightening.

I have been having such strange dreams lately. There was the one a couple of nights ago, where I dreamed that there was a man standing at the side of my bed, wearing a white lab coat, and for some reason I was really scared that he was there. I kept trying to turn on the light so that I could see better, but the electricity wasn't working (this was also the morning that my set alarm clock didn't go off), so I woke up really scared and I couldn't sleep for a long time. Then I had one another night where I was at a high school, visiting some old friends or teachers or something, and I was wearing this weird 80's outfit. The part I remember the most was we were standing in line in the cafeteria, and I climbed up on a railing and looked over a counter to where Sara (from La Grande) was sitting on the ground with an Asian-looking girl and they had somehow gotten cake on each other. I laughed and said that they should rub it on each other, and some small middle school boys said, "yeah, that would be hot." I climbed back down and turned around to the line again, a little annoyed, mostly because I had been thinking the same thing. Then last night I had a really weird dream, where I was trying on all of these different sun dresses (I liked the green one best, but it had long sleeves, so I got the white one) and hanging out by a pool with all of these weird popular people. Then there was an area of the house that used to be a kitchen (but was now separated) and it was filled with snow and there was a young boy huddling on the ground in there. I took his face in my hands and I asked him if he was homeless. He said yes, and so I had the kitchen rebuilt for him (it was kind of like those sped-up parts of movies) so he could live there. The last part I remember of the dream was that Liz and I were cleaning out a cave filled with trash that had belonged to Davey, that we were using for some reason, and there were a bunch of people with Horner Hornets sweatshirts and beanies. That's all I remember. Weird, huh? I wouldn't want it any other way.

Well, I guess I'd better be going. I'm trying to decide if I want to stay up and watch the final two episodes of the first season of House, but since tomorrow is Saturday, what the heck? Why not? So, till later, my friends! I'm off to O.D. on House, M.D.! Shalom!

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.