Thursday, April 20, 2006

"So if Nur is there, who's that kid?" "Older?" ~Jeffrey Jacket

I just wanted to put that quote up there to see how many people actually think it's funny, because, unfortunately, I don't. I also didn't get it for quite some time. For those of you who aren't acquainted with Raage's little brother, his name is pronounced like "newer." Hence the joke. Sorry, Jeff, I just don't see the hilarity. I'll give you credit for making Jillian laugh a lot. I am, however, having a tremendously happy day. I'm sitting here, no shoes, listening to Coheed and Cambria after having the time of my life. Let me tell you about my amazing day.

I didn't have any homework to do 2nd period, which is unusual, so I just got to sit on the couch and read "Invisible Man," and then wander around the school wondering where Mollie is and why the random band kids from Mountain View were infiltrating our school. It was fun though. Choir wasn't as unbearable has it has been lately, we actually got something done and I'm rather pleased with our work. Lunch was fun, I carried a mirror with Anna that numerous people joked about breaking, and then I went home for some delicious peaches. When I got there, I heard Abish jiggling up to me, and when I saw her I just started laughing cause she had been given a bath, and her fur was sticking out everywhere. And she was looking at me so innocently. It was great. So after the delicious peaches, I had some cookies while walking back to school, and fourth period wasn't that bad either. We talked about Invisible Man and poetry the whole time, and I didn't even have to go to Calculus. I went to an assembly about men speaking out against domestic violence and the like, which was kind of depressing but also fun. I enjoyed it. After that I went to the middle school track meet, where the day got even better. I sat with Jeff at the top of a little hill watching Melissa totally kick butt (with her shin wrapped, she got first in all of her events) and hearing him tell funny stories about when he and his friends were in track. It was great fun. I rolled down the hill once after watching a little girl do it, and it was good until I got the only patch of gravel in the grass, which skinned my knee, but no biggy. It didn't dampen my mood. And then Jillian came up and offered the amazing invitation of going to Safeway and getting ice cream. How could I pass it up? So we went and got a half gallon of Bear Feet Brownie, which I must say was incredible, besides the fact that we ate it all. We felt a little sick after that, but whatever. The best part was when Isha came up to us and was like, "So is this like an extra-period-y day?" And Jill and I laughed cause that was exactly it. Jeff couldn't figure out how she could tell but girls just know this sort of thing. We hung around watching Melissa and Nur kick butt before we decided, I don't even remember what we went to do. Somehow we got to the center of the track field and got attacked by these three random children that I have never seen before in my life. They stole Jillian's Slinky, so we spent the better part of the next half hour fighting two little boys and caring for a third little boy. Ok, well, Jill took care of the little one while I got attacked and had to withstand the blows of two little blond boys who wanted the Slinky. Finally, we hid the Slinky and found the children's mother, who we introduced ourselves to, and then went over to the tennis courts and played on the chain link fence for a while. Then comes the best part. We went back to the car and chose to give Rachel a ride to the middle school while blasting Bohemian Rhapsody with the windows rolled down. After we dropped her off, we rode around till the song ended (because I accidentally switched it again while trying to turn up the volume) and so we just kept driving around, blaring music and waving to everyone. We would seek people out and wave till they waved back. We went to Safeway to wave at the people coming out and we saw the two buses with the middle school track kids so we drove in between the buses and waved on either side. It was tremendous. Then we saw Tamson so said hi to him and various others, until one kid flipped us off. Jerk. We were just trying to make people happy. So after that we were driving home and saw Raage's car in the school parking lot, found a window marker in Jill's van, and drew all over his windows before finally coming home. It was a glorious day. Seriously. And to end it all, I found this picture which makes me tremendously giddy. This is dedicated to Mollie. Love ya, Pants! Ah, the memories. Hope that your day has been as wonderful as mine, and if it hasn't, I hope that others will be! Love to all! Shalom


mollie baum said...


mollie baum said...

oh...and i love you too bucket...

Pants out.

Beckah said...

Oh no. Not coming off. Ever. Hee hee. Good thing you don't have any embarrassing pictures like that of me. At least...I hope you don't.........

Just me said...

THAT PICTURE WILL LIVE FOREVER IN WORLD HISTORY!!! And it makes me happy. Yesterday was wonderful, wasn't it? Except for the whole crash that came after it...too much sugar can kill ya, I tell you! Oh, and sorry about the whole "taking the cute one while you got attacked" thing. Next time we go to a Track meet, get stuck in the middle of the Track and get attacked by three little blonde boys trying to steal my slinky, I'll so take on the evil ones and you can get the little one that talks about decapitation.
And I think I want another Mollie, Jillian, Beckah sleepover. This time without the falling asleep. :)

Liz said...

That is a fabulous picture. And what a wonderful day! I feel so happy right now...I'm just all contented and stuff just from reading about it. I love you, Smalls!

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.