Friday, February 24, 2006

"I don't love her! She kicked me in the face! I hate her!" ~Madmartigan from Willow

I was just thinking about Willow and what a great movie it is. I mean, like this chick, Sorsha? Holy crap. She is the baddest movie-girl ever. Like, Xena Warrior Princess looks like a Barbie compared to this girl. She just goes around kicking people in the face and killing people with her freaky serrated sword. Anyway, that was my girl power moment of the day...

I'm stuck between having Battle of Jericho and Silver and Cold stuck in my head. A very bizarre combination. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it. Probably nothing.

I'm leaving again today, and I finally got caught up in all of my classes. But I'm so stressed with everything that's going on, I just have to relax this weekend, and have fun in the nice warm sun, and not worry about it. I'll get caught up again on Tuesday, and luckily I won't be missing rehearsal, unlike today, which will be the second dance rehearsal in a row I've missed. Ha, dance captain. But we had a dance rehearsal on Wednesday as well, so I actually don't know what tonight's is going to be. Oh well. I'm too lazy to find out, and I don't care enough I'm really tired and everything is kind of weird right now, but I had a muffin and I can't say orgy. Life is moving too fast and I wish I could just run away from it all. I wish some moments wouldn't end and I didn't have to be home at a certain time and I want to go horseback riding. I want lots of chocolate and to sleep in late and then read a book sitting by the window all wrapped up in a quilt while it's raining. Wow. I don't know where all of that came from. But my head hurts so I'll think I'll leave you all now.

Life is good, I'm doing ok, getting better (yay!). Love to all! And this is most definitely the coolest character in Labyrinth. Sir Didymus. "Was that my stomach or yours, Ambrosius?" Ha!


Just me said...

yeah, well, i'm not quite sure what rehersal was either. I was only half there...probably less than half due to sleep and food deprivation, but I gave a pep talk that I think went over FAIRLY well, because we started to buckle down and get things right...except me, I kept spacing and couldn't multi-task by watching everyone else AND dance the right steps at the right time, so i eventually sat out to watch was what going on. Anyway, Cletus is acting up and Agnes and Ethel aren't helping. Hope you have a bunch of fun this weekend!

isha said...

cletus? agnes? Ethel? huh? code names? silly girl...

Liz said...

Hizzah for muffins and orgies! And Sorsha kicks tooshie, I'm with you there Smalls. Hey I'm sitting right next to you right now and crapola you beat me at typing a comment. A pox upon your family! Oh, wait, that's me. I withdrart the curse. That's right. "Withdrart."

Beckah said...

It's true. I'm sorry about Cletus and company, Jill. Hard times. My throat hurts like heck, but other than that I'm fine. Besides the fact that I might not be able to go home because I left my ID at home like an idiot. It's only because I can't fathom that there's an airport in Pendleton. It just blows my mind.

Just me said...

Oh darn! you'll have to stay in California! Whatever will you do! ...there's a little sarcasm in there, in case you hadn't noticed ;)

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.