Thursday, October 19, 2006

"Just so there's no confusion, in spirit prison there probably won't be pineapples." -Jeremy, Sunday School Instructor

Hello to the world! These images didn't upload in the order that I wanted them to, but I'm too tired and lazy to fix it. Aren't we so cute pregnant? I just woke up from a two and a half hour nap, and I'm regaining my strength so that I can go help set up for the banquet tonight. Banquet and ghost stories from this cool story telling guy! Whoo hoo! And I get in free because I'm in theatre council. Good deal. So the guy I just quoted just walked into our house. How strange. He's Jenny and Eileen's home teacher apparently, and I really like his sense of humor. It's very very dry and sarcastic, so you can't really tell if he's being serious or not. I think it's raining.

This is currently my profile picture on Facebook. I know, I started a Facebook. But I deleted my myspace account because I hated it. Facebook is a little better. This was the crazy hair night, but it settled down a little. I like wearing the little poncho. I have the most amazing story to tell you! This is a ransom note that we got last night from our dear friend Brett. I'll include the scriptural references.
As you may have noticed, a certain prized possession of yours has gone missing. This is a mere retaliation. You have been mercilessly holding a certain valued piece of china hostage for nearly 2 months. Our people will no longer stand by actionless. We demand a prisoner trade, but that will not be enough. We simply demand an increase to make up for the time that we have spent lacking. The dishware must needs be returned in a similar state in which it arrived, full. You must realize that we bear you no malice. Our intent is only that justice be served. Your possession will be returned only AFTER receipt of the china plus a full restitution for emotional damages. Alma 60:6, 35 and 36 (but not the first sentence)
"And now behold, we desire to know the cause of this exceedingly great neglect; yea, we desire to know the cause of your thoughtless state."
"And behold, if you will not do this I come unto you speedily; for behold, God will not suffer that we should perish with hunger; therefore he will give unto us of your food, even if it must needs be by the sword. Now see that ye fulfill the word of God.
I seek not for power, but to pull it down. I seek not for honor of the world, but for the glory of my God, and the freedom and welfare of my country."

This is us in our sexy pose. Vaughn pointed out to me that I look like a Japanese anime character, and I find that I cannot disagree. But is that not BRILLIANT? It was the most amazing ransom note I've ever received. Liz is working hard on a very good response, which we will give with the desired dishware with a tower of rice krispies on it. Along with an invitation to join me and Jenny and Brad on a double date. What fun.

This is Garett being extremely attractive in The Jacket. I tell you, it does something to you. But I just realized that I have to go help with the banquet now, and since I have to walk all the way up to the Hinckley (I was going to describe it as "freakin," but that just seems wrong right next to the word Hinckely), I should probably go. I hope you enjoy these pictures and I hope your lives are going well, as mine generally is. Love to all! Shalom

Oh yeah, and this is us being the Hawmps Hookers. Well, mainly me, showing a bit of leg there. You know you'd pick us up.


Liz said...

yeah yeah yeah for Da Hawmps. Muah--love you darling, don't change!

Anonymous said...

so you're pregent eh? jk send me an email sometime. -reed

mollie baum said...

wow, i wish my college experiece was as fun as yours seems to be. I miss you a lot and i'm planning on calling you very soon! love you!

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.