Tuesday, July 05, 2005

"I'm a freshman in my fourth year at UCLA, but my goal is to become a veterinarian because I love children!"

Hey there everyone! Just a quick update before I come home tomorrow, which I'm really bummed about. I could use.....well, the rest of my life here. Anyway, here's what I did.

After writing in my blog on Sunday (well, I guess it was Monday by then) I wandered into the living room and ended up watching Van Helsing with Ray until 2:30 in the morning. Then we finally decided to go to bed, but because I went to bed so late, I slept in and missed the parade. Oh well, I've seen it before, and usually it's just the same sort of thing. So then we went shopping, which is always a barrel of laughs. But I did end up buying something, so it wasn't a complete waste of my time. Then I fell asleep again, and I was laying on my arms, and so I ended up having an imprint from by belt for a couple hours after that. We went to Gwen and Lenna's for a little fourth of July celebration, which involved a lot of food and sparklers. It was fun, but not anything extraordinary. I did catch on fire. That was fun. Then I ended up coming here to my grandparents to spend the night so that I could sleep in because we did stuff together today.

We went to San Fran again, and I love it so much! We went to the Legion of Honor to look at a special art exhibit about "wearable art" or ArtWear, as I think they called it. It was really cool to see what people made as fashion. Most of it wasn't designed to be worn, like the dress made out of shredded dollar bills, but it was really fascinating. I liked the hats the most. But yeah, it was a lot of fun. Then we also just wandered around the normal exhibit with all the paintings upstairs, and that was a lot of fun. We didn't have enough time to see everything, so I really want to go back someday. But it was a nice day to go to a museum, because it was foggy and rather cold in the city. And apparently Tuesdays are free, thanks to the Ford Motor Company Fund. But yeah, so now we're back here. My mom and uncle are coming to dinner, and then I'm going back home to pack and get ready to leave tomorrow. Gee, it's depressing. But I'm coming back next month, so I don't have to wait too long.

And I am not kidding you, La Grande is stalking me! I'm just trying to get away for less than a week, and what do I see yesterday? A big old sign on a building for a company owned by the Conklin Brothers! Not joking you! Oh well. I guess that even if I move back here someday, that I'll always be forced to remember La Grande, dang it. Well, I guess I'd better go, so love to all! Shalom


Liz said...

Creepy! Your current home-town is a stalker! I wish Medford would stalk me...Jesse just got back from a 5-day visit of Medford and when I told him before he left to take me with him, he told me to go fix my hair. Poop. Anyway, safe journey and love you lots and if you ever get the chance to sit in a movie next to your roomate and her newly-acquired boyfriend, totally go out for ice cream by yourself instead. That's what I kinda wish I'd done. I want a boyfriend. One guy in particular. Too bad he's an hour and a half away...close enough to see every now and then and far away enough to not be able to do anything about it. Shmer.

Beckah said...

Ha ha, I love you Liz. You're a blessing in my life. You make me laugh. So we should chat sometime, get caught up, mainly cause I never know what's going on in your life until I find out about it about two weeks later. Not fun. Anyway, love you lots. Keep in touch!

pev said...

Wow.. and you blame me for never posting. Its almost been a month! Come on!

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Into the Maze of a Mind by Rebekah Whittaker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.